Nurture, Aspire, Achieve
Welcome to Nursery
Our Nursery class teachers are Mrs Parker and Mrs Richardson .
Please check this page regularly for updates on what we have been doing in class during the week, important updates and reminders and information about upcoming topics and events.
Posted: Oct 11, 2018 by: h.ingham on: Nursery Blog - 2019-20
This week in Nursery we have been thinking about being healthy. The children have loved singing our song 'big red combine harvester' (you can see on your child's tapestry account) and hearing our book of the week 'Oliver's vegetables.' We have also all been to the school allotment to plant a broad bean seed each.
The children have enjoyed drawing a healthy food plate at the literacy table and using different vegetables to print with at the craft table. We have also been working on our fine motor skills this week. We have been using the Nexus boards to make patterns and the scoop scissors to capture conkers, with some children counting them and matching them to the correct numicon plate.
We have been focusing on the numbers 1 and 2 over the last few weeks. The children have been searching for 1 or 2 things around the setting, looking at the 1 and 2 numicon plates and using their bodies to do 1 or 2 actions.
Don't forget your kind donation of 50p towards baking supplies for our Halloween fun day on Thursday 25th October.