Town Street, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS27 7AB | Tel: 0113 201 2450

Gildersome Primary School

Nurture, Aspire, Achieve



 Nurture, Aspire, Achieve

Welcome to Reception 

We have two classes in Reception:

Class RS: Mrs Smart

Class RT: Mrs Turner 


PE Day: Wednesday/Thursday


Please check this page regularly for updates on what we have been doing in class during the week, important updates and reminders and information about upcoming topics and events.


Autumn 2 week 3

Posted: Nov 30, 2021 by: M Turner (m.turner) on: Reception Blog

This week you should received a copy of the evening post which I hope you have seen our classes in.

We started the week with the children coming into school wearing odd socks for anti bullying. We had some vocabulary words around bullying and learnt a lot about being kind within our seal lessons.

We have looked at different things in maths this week, we have explored doubling numbers and introducing number 5.


We have changed the ending to our story and chose our own British animal.

In our art we have collaged and painted pictures of the animals.


We have done some lovely physical activities outside. They played with the different bats, sticks and balls, passing to each other. They also played hide and seek looking for each other and counting.


In our tough spots we have had magnets where we investigated which materials the magnets stuck to. We have also looked at materials and describing them and grouping.


Friday was children in need and the children dressed with spots along with their uniform. Thankyou for the donations we will get a total out to you as soon as the monies have been counted. 


Just a quick reminder about reading books. We change the books on a Friday but unfortunately we can only do this if they have been read 3 times. We cant stress enough how important it is reading with your child at home. Thank you!!!


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