Town Street, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS27 7AB | Tel: 0113 201 2450

Gildersome Primary School

Nurture, Aspire, Achieve


Year 2

 Nurture, Aspire, Achieve

Welcome to Year 2

We have two classes in Year 2.

Class 2M: Miss Moules

Class 2W: Miss Wren


PE Day: Tuesday


Please check this page regularly for updates on what we have been doing in class during the week, important updates and reminders and information about upcoming topics and events.

Year 2

Autumn 1 - Superheroes

Laura Berry-Simpson (l.berry) on: Year 2

We have had a lovely first half term in Year 2.

Here are some of the things we have been up to:
- We have learnt about real life superheroes like Florence Nightingale, Mary Seacole and Sir Captain Tom.
- We have learnt about the role that nurses, the police, the fire service and supermarket staff have in our community and learnt how they are superheroes too.
- We made a card for Gildersome's Coop to show them our appreciation of their hardwork throughout lockdown.
- We have learnt about Place Value in Maths.
- We have learnt how to write in paragraphs and how to use adjectives to make our writing more exciting.
- We have learnt about how to look after our teeth and carried out a gross egg experiment.
- Class 2M even managed to achieve their class target and were rewarded with a film & snacks afternoon with their favourite teddies.

We can't wait for the next half term where we will be learning all about... CHOCOLATE!


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Year 2 Blog - 2019-20

Australia Homework Projects 2B (Part One)

Anna Head (a.head) on: Year 2 Blog - 2019-20


Aidan had interviewed a family friend who lives in Australia asking all about the similarities and differences between the UK and Australia. He engaged his audience by doing a What am I? quiz with the children at the end for a range of different Australian animals. Thank you for a very informative presentation Aidan!


Noah had been to a travel agents and used a brochure all about Australia to make a moodboard of pictures to share with the class. He spoke confidently about the different pictures and shared some information on the Great Barrier Reef. Noah had also made a poster about England and he compared what life would be like living in both countries. Well done Noah!


Freya had designed two booklets, one about the United Kingdom and one about Australia. They were jam-packed full of information which she confidently shared with the class. She had considered famous places, animals, capital cities and the weather. Freya had thought carefully about the presentation of her booklets and it was a really informative presentation.


Oscar had designed a model that was divided into two parts. On each side, there was a landscape of each of the countries and Oscar used this to make comparisons between the two places. Well done Oscar!

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