Town Street, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS27 7AB | Tel: 0113 201 2450

Gildersome Primary School

Nurture, Aspire, Achieve



 Nurture, Aspire, Achieve

Welcome to Reception 

We have two classes in Reception:

Class RS: Mrs Smart

Class RT: Mrs Turner 


PE Day: Wednesday/Thursday


Please check this page regularly for updates on what we have been doing in class during the week, important updates and reminders and information about upcoming topics and events.

Reception Blog

Week commencing 28/09/20

Janet Spencer (j.spencer) on: Reception Blog

Here is a snapshot of what we have been doing this week in Reception.

For our maths we have continued looking at the number 2 so we have a better understanding about what we know about it.

For Phonic lessons we have now started to look at our sounds.


We now have learnt all 4 sounds and what words we could think of that begin with them sounds. We have also learnt how to form the letters. We have started to look at tricky words which we can't sound out. The 2 words we have looked at are 'The and I'.

We have continued with our Topic of Toys and this week we have been drawing our favourite toys and if we could write the initial sound.

In school we have 'Investors in pupils' where the children get to choose their target and a treat for when they have achieved this. We link this to our British Values and the children vote for the treat.

Here are the children in Miss Turners class voting for their treat.


Miss Turners class decided they wanted to come in their pyjamas for the day.

Here is Mrs Smarts children voting.


They chose to have popcorn and a film.

We have started Vocab words in the afternoon, these are the words we have looked at this week and we have talked about the meanings of these. We will have 3 different words every week.

A bit of a reminder all children have now a reading book and a keyring with words on. Can we ask that if you have read with your child just pop a comment in the book so we know even if its just a signature. Many thanks Reception team.


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What we have been doing this week (commencing 21st September)

Janet Spencer (j.spencer) on: Reception Blog

This Week in Reception we have been doing lots more exploring. We have washed babies in the water tray, we have been exploring numbered boats and more and less sheets in the maths area. We have had free choice in the writing areas.  


 In our carpet sessions we have looked at the number 2, how to form and write the numeral 2. What a 2 numicon looks like and also how we can make the number 2.


In our topic we have started to look at our favourite toys. We talked about them and said why we liked them and what we do with them.                                                                                               


We have also been busy making our Reception display board for in the corridor. We enjoyed making ourselves and then writing our names. 



We are very proud of what the children achieved.

Unfortunately the weather had a turn this week and we have had rain. Can we ask that you practise with your child to fasten coats and also if they can have suitable footwear for the wet conditions.



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Settling in

Janet Spencer (j.spencer) on: Reception Blog

Over the last two weeks we have been settling into Reception. We have learned new routines and timetables. We have learnt that we need to wash our hands lots, coming in on a morning, after being outside, before snack, before lunch, after lunchtime break, and again between learning sessions on the carpet.


We enjoyed our snack on the carpet together.


We all ate our lunch in the dining hall.


We also had fun exploring both inside and outside provision.



We are now excited to see what we are going to be learning about next.

If at any point you have any questions please email the class teacher.




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Reception Blog - 2019-20

Summer 3

Anna Head (a.head) on: Reception Blog - 2019-20

This week we have been looking at the story of Goldilocks and the 3 bears. We have ordered the story and re wrote it, labelled the charachters. In Miss Turner's class we have made a puppet theatre were the children can make up or retell the stories.

In maths we are still working on adding and subtracting using a number line. Some children have been sharing numbers.

Things coming up

We are having a bit of a party for the 3 bears from Goldilocks. On the 17th of May we would like the children to come dressed up as a fairy tale character. It could be a pig from the 3 little pigs, it could be a goat from the 3 Billy goats gruff. Get your thinking caps on, we can't wait to see what your child may be. Can we ask that we don't have any superhero costumes please.

Many thanks 

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