Town Street, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS27 7AB | Tel: 0113 201 2450

Gildersome Primary School

Nurture, Aspire, Achieve



 Nurture, Aspire, Achieve

Welcome to Nursery 

Our Nursery class teachers are Mrs Parker and Mrs Richardson .   


Please check this page regularly for updates on what we have been doing in class during the week, important updates and reminders and information about upcoming topics and events.

Nursery Blog


Janet Spencer (j.spencer) on: Nursery Blog

We have now welcomed all the children starting Nursery this half term and we cannot wait to make amazing memories with them all.

This week we have been looking at the story Titch. The children have enjoyed drawing the characters, ordering the characters from smallest to biggest and colouring pictures.

We have also been busy getting everyone to create a Christmas design for the PTA Christmas card fundraiser. Look out for these coming home in the next few months for you to order.


What a fantastic job we have done at creating our faces for the Nursery corridor display.


We hope you like our Colour monster door cover that all the children helped to make. 


The mud kitchen is officially open! Please send your child some wellies to Nursery so they can have lots of fun making mud pies!

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Welcome back!

Janet Spencer (j.spencer) on: Nursery Blog

What a lovely week we have had welcoming back old families and new. The children have made us so proud with how they have settled into our Nursery routines. They are doing a fantastic job at remembering to wash their hands lots too!

The children have made great use of our smaller outdoor area so far and even had some fun catching bubbles!



Inside we have been drawing our faces, painting amazing pictures, completing jigsaws and puzzles, creating marvellous models, feeding babies, exploring the interactive board and much, much more!



The children have sat beautifully for stories, activities and snack time this week!


We have started gluing, sticking and painting to create our new book cover for the Nursery door display 'The colour monster'. 


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Nursery Blog - 2019-20

Children in need

Anna Head (a.head) on: Nursery Blog - 2019-20

We have had lots of fun today talking about Children In Need. We have watched a video about the charity and listened to a story about Pudsey Bear. The children have enjoyed colouring, painting and sticking Pudsey bear pictures and drawing Pudsey outside with chalks. We have also used the play dough to make spots for Pudsey's bandanna.   



Thank you to the kind people who donated buns or money. 

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